LLC stands for Limited Liability Company. The following top LLC benefits make the Limited Liability Company a popular choice among small businesses. An LLC offers limited liability protection to its owner or owners, also called members, and is simpler to manage than a traditional corporation. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a type of business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. The company is not considered its own taxable entity and instead taxes are paid by its owners in proportion to their share of ownership. This flexible business structure also offers protection to the owner’s personal assets in case of bankruptcy or if the business is named in a lawsuit. Tax benefits, limited liability, and flexible management without the stricter requirements of a traditional corporation are three major benefits of having an LLC if you’re a small business.
For over 20 years, MyCompanyWorks has helped small businesses start and manage their LLCs and Corporations. We have many helpful resources and links to everything you need to run your company. This article covers LLC benefits for a small business and how we can help you start forming your business today.
There are many advantages to the LLC vs. a traditional corporate structure, such as:
If you choose to be taxed as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or S-Corp, you’ll enjoy what is called pass-through taxation. This means that your LLC does not pay taxes as a company, and any tax burden is recorded and filed with your 1040 personal income tax return. An LLC can also opt to be taxed as a traditional corporation, or C-Corp, but this business structure is usually reserved for complex companies with many employees. LLCs generally pay lower tax rates than traditional corporations, which is ideal for startups and small businesses.
LLCs are the most popular form of business entity in the United States because they provide limited liability protection to its owners, which means that personal assets are protected if the business fails or is sued. In most cases, if your business were to close or be named in a lawsuit, whatever you own outside the business cannot be seized to satisfy any tax or legal issue related to the company.
With the exception of some businesses like banks and insurance companies, any individual or business can own an LLC. Management guidelines differ by state, but generally, there are no restrictions on the number of owners or citizenship status. The paperwork involved in managing an LLC is fairly straightforward and usually manageable on your own, or you can set up MyCompanyWorks Premium™ to manage most LLC annual filings for you.
NOTE: MyCompanyWorks does not offer tax or legal services, but our partners can provide advice and file your tax returns.
Your LLC is a legitimate business entity, so if you need help with taxes, accounting, or legal matters, you’ll want to either educate yourself on basic small business practices or hire professionals to help you. Here are some links to tips, free resources, and information to help you start a business properly or find experts to do it for you.
LLC tax benefits, limited liability protection, and management flexibility are just some of the top advantages of having an LLC. This business structure is an ideal option for many startups and small businesses, and you can start your order with MyCompanyWorks in as little as one business day. Unlike a corporate structure, an LLC can be owned by individuals, partners, non-US citizens, and even other LLCs, and it is much simpler to establish. Because this business type provides liability to its owners, allows for pass-through taxation, and requires less paperwork than a traditional corporation, you can maintain compliance at state and federal levels without too much hassle. Contact us today if you’re ready to start your LLC or visit our State Startup Guides to read your state’s requirements to form a company.
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