After a Corporation or LLC is formed, there are certain rules that must be followed for a company to be considered a separate and distinct entity from its owner(s). This is known as compliance, business compliance, or good standing.
In order to maintain a business entity that’s entirely separate from owners, it must hold required meetings, record minutes for those meetings, file state reports and pay state and/or federal taxes. All business and personal finances must also be kept separate to preserve your company’s corporate veil.
When you order a formation package, you’ll receive a free company guidebook including a brief guide on how to maintain corporate or LLC compliance for your company. You can schedule these tasks so you don’t forget to file reports or taxes, or simply automate most recurring tasks with our exclusive ComplianceLock service, free with MyCompanyWorks Premiumâ„¢.
We’ll prepare and file annual (or regular) reports in most states, and guide you through filing in AL, SC, and TX. If you order Premiumâ„¢ with your startup package, we’ll also take care of your Initial Report if needed (AL excluded, but we can still help you file). Track tasks and filings in your free account dashboard and receive alerts when a task is due. Also, get access to hundreds of up-to-date business and tax forms to help you stay on top of your company’s compliance.
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