When you no longer intend to operate your business for any reason, it’s important to file the state paperwork to permanently close your company. If that sounds like a waste of time and money, just think about this: Unless you file the paperwork to properly dissolve it, your inactive company will remain an official business entity with the state and you will still be responsible for annual report payments, filing business tax returns and keeping up with any business license or permit costs.
Of course you don’t want to spend time or money on a business you’re not actively involved in. The good news is, you don’t have to. You can properly close your company and officially end its existence by starting with these steps:
As the end of the year approaches, there is no better time to file Articles of Dissolution for a defunct company. The last thing you want after going out of business is to find yourself involved in a messy tax situation from the previous year or still responsible for annual or renewal fees.
We can help you with your state dissolution paperwork and provide a checklist of post-dissolution tasks so you don’t miss a thing. Need to get working on closing your business immediately? Click here.
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