To our Customers, Partners and Vendors:
First, the #1 priority for us now is the safety of our team and I’m happy to report that our entire team is healthy for now and we are open for business.
Next, we’re offering 20% off on our business formation packages for customers until the quarantine is over – just enter offer code COVID at checkout to save 20% off our fees!
NOTE: If you are a small business owner then we’ve created separate guides to help you survive and thrive:
We’ve had remote employees for over a decade and that experience will serve us well while we deal with the Covid-19 virus. We maintain real-time communication between all employees during business hours. Most of our workflow is digital now.
Also, our main Nevada and Wyoming offices have been briefed on best practices for safety and hygiene including sanitizing, social distancing and not coming to work if sick. We’ve even taken precautions on handling mail and signing for documents. We have very little customer foot traffic so that’s not a primary concern but we will limit that as well.
That said, there may be some interruptions and delay in service that you should be aware of:
We will update this page if anything should change but for now, we’re open and happy to provide the same service we have since 2001. This company launched a month after 9/11 and survived the great recession of 2008 so we know how to operate in lean times. Also the founder (me) is a germ freak so that’s helpful in this particular situation :). Here’s a checklist I made for employees, friends and family which you are welcome to copy.
Finally, because we know small businesses will be having a rough few months, we’re willing to waive late fees, extend deadlines and work with you on any recurring bills you have with us. Just ask and we’ll do whatever we can to help you out while we get through this.
Thanks and stay safe and healthy! If you have questions email [email protected], call us at 800-326-1362 or email me directly at my first name
Matt Knee
This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 at 3:18 pm and is filed under Company News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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Hi MyCompanyWorks support team, I am currently in the process of creating my first LLC.
I am in Argentina, I am not a US resident alien, I understand I need to be in US territory in order to be able to open a US bank account, but I know there is a way we can select someone as a representator and that person will be able to create the bank account and after all the process is done we can take that person out.
I think that is the process but I am open to listen your sudgestions, I was talking to LegalZoom and other competition and I want to select the best option (and I think you are that option)
So please can you tell me everything that I need to know to open my first LLC in FL and open a business bank account? all the prices, how long does the proces take? requirements? etc etc
Here is what I know, I need:
*with those 2 things I can open the bank account with a representator agent.
Is that correct?
Hi Douglas, Please reach out to [email protected] so we can more fully answer you question – a blog post comment is not ideal for that.
Want to set up branch office in USA. Need help for the same. We are manufacturers of Biotech Products.
Hi, please review (you can order online) or reach out to our support team for questions – a blog post is not ideal for providing support.